Sunday, December 26, 2010

home from holiday travel.
hope you all had a good one. figured out how this piece should end up looking. lots of work to do but it's closer now than it ever was.
goodnight all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

about an hour of sleep.
last final today after work, heading to the studio now to update some things then off to clock in.
morning all.

mental note: leydig cells.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

one final down. really enjoyable seminar with good people.
one more to go and then the real work begins.

Monday, December 13, 2010

a few updates to the site, more in the works.

about to start making the molds for a fairly large scale ceramic piece. a new illustration and two "gifts" will be made in tandem.

dreams of mice, rivers, and dogs with antlers... you tell me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

with the semester at an end, i am able to pick up where i left off. i have a host of new ideas to get started on as well as one large illustration that's been half done for awhile now. fall back into a creative mindset.

in case anyone happens across this rather than my website here is the url:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

website is up.
bear with me as i work out all the kinks.

regular updates. goodnight all.

Monday, November 8, 2010

brain sand / blood islands

"I've come all this way. I realize that I will never be "ok" or fixed. There will always be that dark ring to sink through (and fall I will), but at least now I'm finally assembling the tools I need to save myself from myself... despite what you said. Despite what you did. Despite your pulling plugs. Colloid and calcified a red river to nurse an ancient wound" ~IB

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ira Beatte's defense of suicide

"a broken body, a broken heart, a mind that won't mend, and all this talk from would be helping hands. and they are just that, or rather an idea incomplete (like a fountain i gave what was encouraged and then nothing). your cleft palit (sic), and your spotted brow. your broken fingers and your monstrous appetite. i am an angry man and we are waiting for you to leave. like a great heaving sigh that will push just beyond that cosmic line. do not fear what you cannot know. i'll make sure they shave your body and pull your face into an appropriate shape with sticks and twine. you'll have your papers, but they are gathering faggots"

And she did die. I wish I had known her.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You ask for advice, dear;

I am afraid you overestimate me. I do not feel qualified to give you any-
however, you expressed in the past a wish to die and if your wish has remained unchanged I will be glad to help you.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"It's interesting:

  you are never discouraged.  I've seen some things recently that are so beautiful that I can't find any strength or self confidence...
...What can one add that is new when there is such genius around?
If art is for personal satisfaction only, it is too much of a selfish pleasure."

Monday, August 9, 2010

you would have to be me

"Je ne me fatiguerai jamais de la representer.
I want to: eat, sleep, argue, hurt, destroy...
-Why do you?
-My reasons belong exclusively to me.
Le traitement de la Peur"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

on the streaming of days

a hand on a hand on a hand on the heel of the sun
motive that moves with the ebb and flow of a secret tide
and wrapped in a word

the give of the sand and the breath of a wave 
both reasons in and of themselves to remain
a tiny universe afloat in an ocean of tiny universes

because as each hand reaches out beyond that reef
each fish shows its teeth and begins to pull.

Monday, July 26, 2010

golden parables - exodus in full body

open my eyes lord reveal your throne
i've been down here far too long
won't you pull back the clouds
and show my your guiding light

i believe you could reach down your hand and take me home tonight